Forest Edge Landscape Services

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Web Development

Matt wanted a website that echoed his attention to detail in his work and gave him a clean and concise space to showcase his work.

In order to build this bespoke environment, a custom theme was written, giving full control over the layout and enabling a clean, no-nonsense approach. This also allows for quick loading and therefore, easy viewing.

The site is dynamic, in that it changes the order of content on each load. There are in-built tools for Matt to quickly control the content, but also balances with custom queries and automatic generation, so that the site feels fresh with every viewing.

Show Time!

Matt has an eye for craftsmanship, particularly in woodwork. To sit alongside his handcrafted shed, bench and beloved 1924 Golden Sunbeam bicycle, we designed a series of printed elements to comfortably nestle into the display. This setup came together beautifully at Hellens Garden Festival.

The bicycle has a custom printed advertising board, the banners (in Matt’s handmade frames) are paper-based and PVC-free, ensuring that every element works with the FELS ethos.

Bespoke Illustrations

We developed some illustrative punctuations for the website. In order to emphasise the quality and heritage behind Matt’s work, we picked some important and authentic items to include and created a series of artworks to appear around the site. These change on every page load, to keep the site engaging and add a sense of personalisation and interest to the pages.

Forest Edge Landscape Services (FELS) create unique & inspiring gardens gardens, structures and landscapes for discerning customers in Herefordshire & Gloucestershire.

I enjoy all of the jobs that I work on, but working with Matt on his brand and website was a real pleasure. Part of my process is to understand the ethos behind a business & Matt’s passion behind FELS shone through from the first phonecall.